Monday, December 30, 2019

Marketing Analysis Lululemon Athletica Inc. - 1071 Words

Before launching a new product one should thoroughly understand the market demand, competition, existence of similar products, manufacturing distribution costs and market dynamics. Failure to analyze the above will result in total failure of the product and the company that manufacture the product. According to the text book following are the main reasons of product failure :No competitive point of difference, unexpected reactions from competitors, poor positioning, poor quality of product, non-delivery of promised benefits of product, too little marketing support, poor perceived price/quality (value) relationship, faulty estimates of market potential and other marketing research mistakes, faulty estimates of production or marketing†¦show more content†¦These chargers failed often because of overheating. HP should have identified the correct charger for use with their new product before releasing it. Enough testing was not done and quality was compromised. Battery life was also poor. Also it had compatibility issues, meaning that it won’t work with existing iPads, iPods and iPhones. The concept of â€Å"Cloud services† was not that popular among users and people were skeptical about security issues. Chromebook used Google’s Operating system, but Google did not have the infrastructure to support this product. This product did not have any hard drive because it was primarily intended for browsing the web. This reduced the product flexibility and usability. â€Å"EarHero† earphones introduced their product as â€Å"the world’s safest earphones†, but at a very high price. Also the product was defective - instead of blocking outside noise it was allowing outside noise. There was a fundamental design flaw that should been caught during initial testing and inspection. This product failed to deliver what was promised and the price/quality was too high. 4) The four essential skills that are required for a successful sales team, are Customer knowledge, Product knowledge, Effective Communication and Time goal Management. Sales representatives should be up-to date on current market events and changes, to be successful. They should create a database of current customers,Show MoreRelatedThe Global Fitness And Athletic Clothing Stores1637 Words   |  7 Pages I. SITUATION ANALYSIS The global fitness and athletic clothing stores industry generates more than 1.9 billion US dollars per annum (IBISWorld, 2015). Lululemon Athletica provides high quality apparel for the ever-growing global health conscious population (WHO | World Health Statistics 2015, 2016). A SWOT analysis (Appendix 1) illustrates potential and weakness of this hugely successful brand. Furthermore, environmental factors can play a role in the company s operations. Macro EnvironmentalRead MoreMarketing Strategy For Lululemon Athletica Inc.1523 Words   |  7 Pagesexamining Lululemon Athletica Inc., there was more to the critical issues than addressing them. There was also the necessity to go beyond this and provide key alternatives that lululemon should consider in order to tackle these issues. Issues related to marketing, market structure for both consumers and products, quality control/supply chain, and major markets are difficult to change, but our group is confident in the alternatives we have identified and believe they can serve as a tool for Lululemon AthleticaRead MoreLululemon Swot Essay671 Words   |  3 PagesSWOT Analysis Company name: Lululemon Athletica Inc. (NASDAQ:LULU; TSX:LLL) Product: Lululemon Athletica produces yoga-inspired athletic apparel for both women and men. Strengths #1. Innovative Design Process Lululemon offers high-quality premium athletic apparel that is designed for performance, comfort, functionality and style. 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They opened their firstRead MoreLululemon2544 Words   |  11 PagesTABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 2 CASE ANALYSIS 3 Five-force analysis 3 Competition 4 SWOT analysis 5 Value chain 5 Strategy 7 Financial and operating performance. 8 RECOMMENDATION 10 In term of strategy 10 In terms of management 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lululemon Athletica Inc., founded by Dennis Chip Wilson,  is a self-described  yoga-inspired athletic apparel company, which produces a clothing line and runs international clothing stores from its companyRead MoreLululemon Case Analysis Essay4336 Words   |  18 Pagesï » ¿ Lululemon Athletica, Inc. Created by: Kelsey Davis GBA 490-901 March 21, 2014 Table of Contents Executive Summary To: Laurent Potdiven Chief Executive Officer Lululemon Athletica Inc. This report has been created with the intent to analyze the athletic apparel industry with a specific focus on Lululemon Athletica, Inc., further refered to as Lululemon. 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Founded in Vancouver, Canada by Chip Wilson in 1998, the company aligns itself with many of the same values that yoga displays: balance, harmony, and culture. As of July 29, 2012, lululemon owns and operates 189 retail store locations all over the world. In 2007, the company’s owners elected to take the company public. Its initial public offering took

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bullying Bullying And Cyber Bullying - 831 Words

One of the major issues in our society is bullying/cyber bullying. Numerous school aged suffer from this problem. Bullying is basically an unwanted behavior among young children, which involves the unexpected variation of strength. This leads into differences among school-aged children, which makes the bullies to have more power to bully other children. The author argues that bullying is now a severe problem which is a blackmail to student s safety (Bullying, 2016). These sounds do not horrify but who ever go through can feel the pain. There are few major causes of bullying, children who are physically challenged, race/religion, and children who have disabilities. They are the main causes that every victim suffers in their life. Firstly, people who are physically challenged to get bullied a lot because they are usually do not feel confident about their body weight and how it is shaped. it is not odd if someone has over weight because some get that in their genes from their parents or some just have a high metabolism. Bullies usually attack those who are not assertive of their own personality. They know, they can get out the feeble and poor side of the person they bully. It is common when the victim stays silent after being abused by bullies. In the survey of 2013, â€Å"federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)† broadcast that 20 percentage of students have been the victim of bullying in Americans high school (â€Å"Bullying†,2016). It feels like no one really takeShow MoreRelatedBullying And The Cyber Bullying Essay1010 Words   |  5 PagesIDENTIFICATION PROBLEM STATEMENT BACKGROUND Cyber bullying refers to something when one uses their cell phone, computers or an electronic device to access internet and technology for the purpose of harassment and providing harms to others. Sending inappropriate messages, uploading disturbing images, threatening and posting something without someone’s’ approval are the forms of cyber bullying. The main aim of this research study is to look after the cyber bullying and the possible reasons of occurrenceRead MoreBullying Evolution : Cyber Bullying1870 Words   |  8 Pages Bullying Evolution: Cyber-bullying 1858 Words 8 Pages At some point during your childhood, you may have encountered that troubled individual, typically known as the â€Å"bully† that drove fear in the hearts of the weakest link by humiliating them, taking what is rightfully theirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet)Read More Bullying Evolution: Cyber-bullying Essay1869 Words   |  8 Pagestheirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet). Most recently, it took a crime wave of â€Å"cyber bullying† before our media and leaders in the Untied States gave it attention; now that the American people realize that the â€Å"classroom bully† ha s evolved into a more dangerously clever and sinister inflictor of emotionalRead MoreBullying Vs Cyber Bullying Essay2021 Words   |  9 PagesBullying is a major problem that impacts many teens over generations, causing an endless cycle of bullying. With the new age of technology, this leads to new issues that are affecting teens’ lives. One of these issues is that cyberbullying is quickly becoming more common than the traditional playground bullying, as more social media are appealing to teens. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens using electronic devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets. This form of bullying includesRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louderà ¢â‚¬  has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreThe Problem of Cyber Bullying1323 Words   |  6 Pages(â€Å"An Old Problem with a New Face†). Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life-threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and technology almost twenty-four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from regular, old-school bullying; cyber bullying is using the internet to ruin the life of other teenagers. â€Å"Cyber bulling is when a teenager is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliatedRead MoreIs It Serious? Cyber Bullying? Essay1175 Words   |  5 PagesTopic: Cyberbulling is Very Serious Cyber bullying by definition is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. This occurs mainly among young people ages between 13- 18. Base on my research I found out in the past decade, there have been multiple cyberbullying cases that ended with the victims taking their own lives. I believe there is more we can do to help with this issue. There is information out there that isRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not b e tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreThe Issues Of Cyber Bullying946 Words   |  4 Pages Coastal Carolina University The Issues of Cyber-bullying Alyssa Staub CSCI 101 – D1 Professor Matthews October 23, 2017 â€Æ' Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre-internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parentsRead More Cyber Bullying Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesHalligan kill[ed] himself after months of harassment, including instant messages calling him gay† (Billitteri.) Cyber bullying is much more dangerous than traditional bullying, and should be punished with much stricter guide lines, not just within schools but within criminal courts as well. Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refuge. â€Å"Its a non-stop type of harassment

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Life and Needs of an Elderly Free Essays

The subject of this study is Evgenia. She is an 86 year-old woman living in one of the Jewish Federation Apartments in New York. She is not a native of America. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life and Needs of an Elderly or any similar topic only for you Order Now She came from Ukraine 16 years ago and she also lived in Israel for two years. Evgenia speaks and writes very little English but she is able to communicate whenever she has to. She spent twenty-six happy years of her life with her husband. Unfortunately, he died of stroke at the age of 48. Though she was still young then, she never remarried. After all, her kids were always there for her and her grandkids always kept her occupied. She said that her family was indeed very supportive of her, even up to now. Evgenia has a daughter and a granddaughter who live here in America. She also has a son in Ukraine. She said that her daughter comes to visit her apartment once every week. When she does, she helps her with shopping. At times, her daughter also drives her to dry cleaners and to her doctor’s appointments. She also helps Evgenia find the stuff that she can’t find. Evgenia needs some help at times with organizing her things because she is completely blind. Evgenia became totally blind as a result of her Glaucoma. She was only 36 when she was diagnosed with the condition. To slow down the effects of the condition, she tried various forms of treatment for ten years. However, her condition did not improve. When not one of her treatment plans seemed to work, she decided to undergo a surgery. In 1975, she had an eye surgery in Ukraine but to her dismay, the procedure only made her condition worse. She first lost her vision on the left eye. Overtime, she could no longer see with any of her eyes. When she was 78, Evgenia learned that she has also developed Parkinson’s disease. However, she takes medication for her condition and noted that â€Å"It’s in control†. Evgenia also has Hernia but she explained that the condition hasn’t bothered her yet. Although most people who have Evgenia’s conditions are bed ridden and dependent on aides, this adorable lady isn’t. In fact, Evgenia is very independent. She wants to do things on her own and she doesn’t like it when someone helps her. She walks by herself, makes her bed, and bathes and dresses by herself. She even cooks on her own. Her condition doesn’t hinder her from reading for Evgenia knows brail. She reads a lot and on top of it, she also listens to books and tapes and answers crossword puzzles. She also knits a lot. She knits blankets, gloves, socks, hats, and more. To know where and which colors she will use for her knitting, she keeps her knitting basket in order. She gets by with her daily living tasks because she always keeps her stuff set up in a certain way that she knows where things are and what they are. Evgenia still has a very good memory that she can rely on. Elderly Care Set-up I. The need to move There are a variety of reasons why the elderly has to move away from his family. However, the most common reason is that the relatives are really incapable of caring for their elderly. Sadly, many people see the elderly as a burden. For Evgenia however, the case is quite different. Before she was admitted in the Jewish Federation Apartments, Evgenia lived with her daughter. Her family, as stated previously, was very supportive of her. The problem was that she was not comfortable with the place. Although she liked being around her family, she felt that she needed to be more independent. She noted that her daughter’s house was quite small. She described it as a â€Å"two-storey home with too many steps†, which is not favorable for someone who already had a hip replacement surgery like her. The place also didn’t have a home phone. Since the home was generally not conducive for the life of an elderly, she often hesitated – and even felt afraid – to be alone in the house. What made things worse was that she had no privacy because she had to sleep in the same room with her granddaughter. As such, Evgenia then told her family that she wanted to live on her own. Luckily, her daughter said that it was alright for she knew well how independent her mother was. II. Independent living and the patient’s experience Evgenia has been attending an adult day care, â€Å"Guilt Care†, even before she was living in the Jewish Federation Apartments. She goes to the day care at least five times every week. At the day care, she finds lots of things that she could do. Technically, it serves as a place for socialization and education. There, she knits and lets people read crossword puzzles to her. She also listens to concerts and nurses’ lectures on how the elderly can take care of themselves. She meets with a dietician once a week as well. When she decided to live on her own, she spoke with the social worker from the day care and asked for help. She was then referred to the Jewish Federation Apartments. This residence is open to the elderly, aged 62 years old or older. To be a tenant, Evgenia had to complete an application, furnish the requirements, and then have her request stamped and placed on the waiting list. At that time, she didn’t have Medicaid/Medicare and SSI. However, with the help of the social worker, she was able to get the insurance and the SSI qualifications. After a year and a half being on the waiting list, she finally got an apartment of her own. Now, Evgenia has been living in the apartment for a decade. She said that she is very happy there. Living in independent living community has some built-in benefits. The first of which was the fact that there are many seniors with whom Evgenia can socialize with. The second was that the features of the apartments were specifically designed to fit the security, comfort, and safety needs of the elderly. What Evgenia liked more about the Apartments was that it has a huge community room where different kinds of activities are initiated – from daily exercises to parties. Evgenia loves to play Bingo on Thursdays. Since the Jewish Federation Apartments is an independent living community, the place does not have a 24/7 medical support service, nor does it provide regular custodial care for the clients. The place is just exactly what Evgenia wants. Since she can take care of herself, she only requires her nurse aid to come only twice a week for four hours plus 15 minutes every morning on weekdays. Her daughter also visits her. III. The care an elderly needs a. Caring for the patient with glaucoma Evgenia’s total blindness was the result of her glaucoma. Treatment against Glaucoma can prevent visual loss, but that only happens if the condition is just at its very early phase. Although Evgenia had undergone treatment, perhaps she only did when her condition was already at an advanced state. Unfortunately, the damage caused by this condition cannot be reversed. In general, people with glaucoma may experience depression and anxiety. The loss of vision can render many people helpless and that is why they may need to have a companion always. In the case of Evgenia however, she was able to overcome her impairment. Since she’s smart, she learned brail so she can continue to read. Her sharp memory and her â€Å"orderliness† with her things also compensated for the sense of sight that she lost. While most people who are blind need utmost care and help, Evgenia doesn’t. What she needs is some encouragement which she can gain from meeting and talking to other seniors who also have glaucoma. Apart from that, her relatives and nursing aid can also help her with some household tasks. b. Caring for a patient with Parkinson’s disease Although Evgenia said that her condition is â€Å"in control†, it must be noted that Parkinson’s disease is chronic and progressive. So this means that it will persist over time and its symptoms will also grow worse. To understand her case and her health and physical care needs, below is a list of the symptoms that people with Parkinson’s disease can experience (From How to cite The Life and Needs of an Elderly, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Petrophysics free essay sample

Abstract The South Tapti gas field, located in the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India, has been on production for the last three years. Drill Stem Tests (DST) conducted in five zones in the first appraisal well showed high sand production in all the tests at drawdowns as low as 20 psi. Due to the unconsolidated nature of the reservoir sand, it was decided to gravel pack all future wells. Initially, the High Rate Water Pack (HRWP) technique was used on 13 completions including some stack and selective completions. Due to a change in the drilling fluid to an oil based mud (OBM) system and the higher damage associated with the it, it was later decided to switch the gravel packing technique to ‘Frac and Pack’. This involved creation of a small frac to bypass the near wellbore damage using a gel-based fluid, followed by gravel placement using the HRWP. The Frac Pack technique was tried on 10 completions. Extensive production and pressure data collected on the above completions show that the ‘Frac Pack’ technique has led to a decrease in the mechanical skin by almost 70 %. More importantly, it has also been responsible for decreasing the Rate Dependent Skin Coefficient, D, by 50 %, which has a greater impact on the well productivity since these wells are produced at average rates of 25 MMSCFD. This paper describes the gravel packing techniques used in the South Tapti gas field, their evolution and the results achieved. Inroduction The South Tapti field, located off the Western coast of India, is represented by a series of alternating sand and shale sequences. The upper reservoir intervals are dominated by tidal-bar and channel sands deposited in a deltaic environment while the lower sands represent incised valley deposits consisting largely of alluvial/fluvial channels, tidal bars and tidal creeks. The exploratory wells drilled in the field indicated strong sand production tendencies due to the unconsolidated nature of the reservoir rock. This was corroborated by extensive testing of the first development well when all the five zones tested produced sand even under extremely low pressure drawdown conditions. The completion policy for the field focused on preventing sand ingress while minimizing the near well-bore damage inherent in any sand control application. The early development wells were gravel packed using the high rate water pack (HRWP) technique. These initial completions were highly successful in preventing sand production but also induced significant damage in the process. The problem was accentuated when the drilling mud system was changed to an oil base system in an attempt to offset recurrent drilling problems arising out of unconsolidated sandstone and presence of reactive clays. This called for a change in completion philosophy in order to ensure that the wells retain high productivity with effective sand control. Geologic and Reservoir Characterization The South Tapti field is localized by a broad SW-NE trending, doubly plunging anticline. The field has up to 13 different Oligo-Miocene gas bearing sands, separated by shales. The reservoir sands were deposited in both incised valley and deltaic settings. Reservoir sands within incised valleys consist of alluvial/fluvial channels, tide-influenced channels and tidal bars. The channel sands typically are the cleaner sands with excellent porosity permeability and up to 20 m thick, whereas the tide-influenced channels and tidal bars are shalier, with more modest porosity and permeability. CLAY MINERALS 1. Abstract: Tapti Basin in Surat Depression, Bombay Offshore is characterized by entirely siliciclastic succession. The cores and cutting samples, and wireline logs provide important information about the stratigraphy, basin fill, mineralogy, source and reservoir rock characteristics. Well under study is located in South Tapti sub-basin and contains gas-bearing sandstone within Mahim Formation of Late Oligocene age. The cuttings and cores have been megascopically examined and with the aid of electrical log data, the litholog of the well is prepared. The study involves XRD and major element analysis of selected samples. The XRD and digital log data from Natural Gamma Sepctrometry (NGS) log indicate that montmorillonite is the major clay mineral present in the upper part of the succession, whereas kaolinite present in the lower part (1868 m MD to 2427 m MD). Kaolinite is apparently formed by early stages of burial diagenesis, whereas montmorillonite is a weathering product of the Deccan Basalt. Interpretative lithology from the well log response shows that reservoir sandstones have developed within the depth interval of 1865m TVD to 1945 m TVD within dominantly shale lithology. Reservoir sandstones are semiconsolidated, medium to coarse grained and moderately well sorted. Quartz is the dominant detrital component in all the sandstones. Pay sands are quartz arenite whereas non-pay sands are quartz wacke with varying amount of clay matrix. Kaolinite in the reservoir section reduces the permeability of quartz wacke, but enhancing porosity in microlevel. Carbonate, siderite and iron oxide are main cementing material. Major element data showing that clastic sediments were delivered to the basin possibly by the Proto Tapti river but they may be having dual source of origin. The discriminant functions of Meyer and Nederlof, 1984 has indicated that the studied formations do not have source rock potential. Key words: Tapti Basin, Bombay Offshore, hydrocarbons, provenance and clay minerals. quartz wacke, but enhancing porosity in microlevel. Carbonate, siderite and iron oxide are main cementing material. Major element data showing that clastic sediments were delivered to the basin possibly by the Proto Tapti river but they may be having dual source of origin. The discriminant functions of Meyer and Nederlof, 1984 has indicated that the studied formations do not have source rock potential.