Thursday, September 3, 2020

Associate Level Material Essay Example for Free

Partner Level Material Essay Bearings: Pick one of the Facts for Consideration segments from Ch. 3 of the content and rundown the page number for the segment you picked. At that point, total the accompanying table. Rundown five dangers proper to the earth from the area you picked. Rate the hazard for every danger from 0 (low) to 10 (high). At that point, list five proper countermeasures. When you complete the table, compose a concise clarification of the countermeasures for the two dangers with the most elevated hazard all out, expressing how the countermeasure lessens the hazard related with that danger. The prisoner escape is significant. On the off chance that there are additional gatekeepers, at that point it will be anything but difficult to keep this from occurring, particularly since certain outings can take as long as 48 hours to finish. With all the halting (two to eight stops on some random outing) and going it is incredible to have the countermeasure. When itâ comes to detainees assuming control over the van, I feel like that is something that can happen regardless of whether there are two officials on the van. Prisoners are solid and they generally have something up their sleeves. So if we somehow managed to take the countermeasure and really have them checked before they jump on the van and afterward cuffed it makes the ride more secure and less undermining.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., :: English Literature

Edgar Allan Poe, child of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., brought into the world nineteenth of January 1809, was for the most part known for his sonnets and short stories Edgar Allan Poe, child of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., brought into the world nineteenth of January 1809, was for the most part known for his sonnets and short stories and his scholarly analysis. He has been given kudos for designing the criminologist story and his pshycological spine chillers have been infuences for some essayists around the world. Edgar and his sibling and sister were stranded before Edgar's third birthday and Edgar was taken in to the home of John and Fanny Allan in Richmond, Va. The Allans lived in England for a long time (1815-1820) where Edgar additionally went to class. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia. Albeit a decent understudy he had to betting since John Allan didn't give alright. Allan would not pay Edgar's obligations what's more, Edgar needed to leave the University after just a single year. In 1827 Edgar distributed his first book, Tamerlane and different sonnets namelessly under the mark A Bostonian. The sonnets were vigorously impacted from Byron and appeared of a young demeanor. Later in 1827 Edgar enrolled in the Army under the name Edgar A Perry where his fights with John Allan proceeded. Edgar did well in the armed force yet in 1829 he left and chose to apply for a cadetship at West Point. Before he had the option to enter West Point Edgar distributed a book entitled Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and minor sonnets, this time the book was distributed, not secretly, however under the name Edgar A. Poe, where the center beginning recognized John Allan's name. Before Edgar left West Point he got budgetary guide from his kindred cadets to distribute a third release of the book. Edgar considered it a subsequent release however and it was entitled Sonnets by Edgar A. Poe in which his celebrated sonnets To Helen (another form was distributed in 1848) and Israfel showed up. These demonstration of the melodic impact that has come to portray Edgar's sonnets. Later Poe moved to Baltimore to live with his auntie, Maria Clemm, and his first cousin Virginia. In 1832 he won a $50 prize for his story MS. Found in a Bottle in the Baltimore Saturday Visiter. In 1835 Poe carried his auntie and cousin to Richmond where he worked with Thomas Willis White at the Southern Litterary Messenger. He likewise wedded his cousin Virginia, just thirteen years of age. The vast majority of Edgar's work with the Messenger were of a basic sort yet he likewise distributed some abstract work, for example, Berenice.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Facial Feedback Hypothesis free essay sample

Denise Wiseman Facial Feedback The facial input theory expresses that the activity of a person’s facial musculature is an easygoing specialist in the abstract vibe of feelings (Deckers, 2005). Numerous analysts concur that the free articulation of the physical attributes of feelings, for example, grinning or scowling, are in reality direct criticism of the feeling an individual is feeling. For instance, a grin from an individual may cause satisfaction in another individual while a scowl may cause bitterness. Be that as it may, after further research it was resolved that facial criticism just conservatives the power or life span of a feeling. For instance, an investigation was directed that necessary a few people to hold a pen in their mouth while going to a satire appear. Those people didn't give physical indications of giggling or beguilement yet detailed being similarly as diverted as the people who didn't have the pens in their mouth. Bertrand Russell and Schachter said â€Å"emotion is a joint capacity of autonomic excitement and intellectual attributions or ‘labels’ for that arousal† (Buck, 1980, p. We will compose a custom article test on Facial Feedback Hypothesis or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 812). Bertrand Russell and Schachter are recommending that feelings come from the blend of feeling and the biofeedback impact of facial muscles. Roseman and Smith clarify the four perceptions of feeling prompting circumstances. The first in that various evaluations of a similar occasion can deliver various feelings. The second is that a similar examination of various occasions can create a similar feeling. Additionally, the result of the examination procedure can create an automatic feeling. Ultimately, evaluation can happen whether an individual knows about it or not (Deckers, 2005). From these perceptions by Roseman and Smith it was resolved that examination of an occasion happens in four stages. Initial, a feeling actuating occasion makes an upgrade for feeling. At that point, a pre-mindful evaluation ascertains the negative and positive results of the boost preferring the shirking of risk. From that point the examination procedure comes into mindfulness and experiences cortical assessment that centers around the mentalities, characters, needs, and objectives of the person. In conclusion, the feeling transforms into physiological reaction and conduct. References Deckers, L. (2010). Inspiration: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental (third ed. ) Boston: Pearson/Allyn Bacon. Buck, R. (1980). Nonverbal Behavior and the Theory of Emotion: The Facial Feedback Hypothesis. Diary of Personality Social Psychology, 38(5), 811-824.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Leasehold reform act 1967 - Free Essay Example

1. What were the material facts in the case? The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 provides tenants the right to purchase the landlords freehold interest of a property. There is no requirement for the tenant to occupy or have occupied the property. The property was subject to a lease. The appellant was the tenant under the lease. The appellant wanted to acquire the freehold of the property. The property was originally built as a single private residence and had subsequently been adapted for both residential and commercial use. The property had become heavily dilapidated and was not physically fit for immediate residential occupation. In order to be construed as a house under Section 2(1) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 a property must satisfy two requirements i.e. it must be both designed and adapted for living in and be reasonably so called. 2. Explain, in your own words, the legal issue(s) in the case. What is the definition of a house under Section 2 (1) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, specifically what is meant by the phrase designed and adapted for living in? Was the property in question designed or adapted for living in, within the meaning of Section 2(1), when the notice of enfranchisement was served? Do the words designed and adapted for living in within Section 2 (1) of the Act suggest that the property be capable of immediate residential occupation? Or should the test be an historic one i.e. should the fact that the property was designed for living in when first built and had not subsequently been altered from this be sufficient to construe that it is indeed designed and adapted for living in and therefore satisfy this requirement for the purposes of Section 2 (1) of the 1967 Act. 3. Which technique(s) of statutory interpretation do you consider that Lord Neuberger employed in the case? Give reasons for your answer. Literal Rule at [17] as a matter of ordinary language Contextual/purposive at [17] reinforced by considering other provisions of the sub-section, and supported by the original terms†¦ and considerations of practicality and policy Literal Rule at [18] as a matter of ordinary English and the natural meaning of the word Contextual at [19] reinforced by the later words in the same section Literal Rule at [22] the words in question are given their natural meaning 4. Which presumptions and/or rules of language did Lord Neuberger employ in the case? Give reasons for your answer. Noscitur a Sociis reinforced by the later words in the same section at [19] 5. To what aids to statutory interpretation did Lord Neuberger refer? Your answer should indicate whether such aids were intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic: Section 1 (1) Section 2 (1) Extrinsic: Tandon v Trustees of Spurgeons Homes [1982] AC 755 Suffolk County Council v Mason [1979] AC 705 Attorney General v Lamplough (1878) 3 Ex D 214 6. Explain, in your own words, the ratio decidendi of Alpha Holdings v Beta Properties [2007] UKHL 17 The words designed or adapted for living in within s.2 (1) of the Leashold Reform Act 1967 are to be given their ordinary or natural meaning. A property is a house within the meaning of the sub-section if it had been designed for living in when originally built and the structure had remained largely the same i.e. the test of designed for living in is an historic one. Whilst the property had become heavily dilapidated and was indeed uninhabitable this did not alter the fact that it had been designed for living in when first built. It is not reasonable to assume that a property must be capable of immediate residential occupation in order for it to be construed as a house under s.2 (1) of the 1967 Act. Therefore at the time the notice of enfranchisement was served the property was designed or adapted for living in within the meaning of s.2 (1).

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on The Ethics of Medical Research on Humans - 860 Words

The ethics behind human research has been an ongoing debate for many years. How far can we take research in the name of science? Does it matter how many or who possibly gets effected along the way ? This journal addresses these questions along with others, as it expresses human rights when medical research is involved. While examining the history of medicine, you find that the United States and many other countries, fail to protect those that can not protect themselves by conducting â€Å"medical research† errors. Who is to blame? It is almost impossible for an individual to take a medication and be cured with no side effects. Yet, the demand and expectation for such a miracle drug is so pressing. If medical research had not been conducted, the†¦show more content†¦It allowed the reader to not only sympathize with these individuals, but have empathy for their afflictions. Aside from prisoners being held in Nazi camps during this time, many individuals were being used because of â€Å"convenience†. Iacono and Jenkins describe different situations where militaries such as: the US, Japan, and Germany were trading humans to preform similar acts in the name of medicine. Showing that, despite how terrifying these acts were, medical experimentations were not limited to Germany alone, the world was doing them also. If Germany wasnt alone in these acts why are they the ones taking the blame? Germany was and is considered to be one of the most extreme cases of violation of human rights and ethics. The use of claims of fact are laid out with the Nuremberg Trials of 1945-1946. The Nuremberg Trials were enforced by the allied forces of WWII, to prosecute the political leaders, doctors, and military for their acts of crime against humanity. These trials ensured human rights, and paved the direction for the Helsinki Declaration, â€Å"[which] formed th e basis for guidelines developed in individual countries with the aim of protecting people from exploiting in the name of research and ensuring physician-researchers meet their obligations to research participants † (Iacono, 1124). As laid out in the Helsinki Declaration, there areShow MoreRelatedUnethical And Criminal Behavior During The Prussian Parliament944 Words   |  4 PagesThe experiment with human subject was brought to an attention to the Prussian Parliament, when several unethical and criminal behaviors were traced in the field of research in Germany in the nineteenth century. The research was mainly conducted unethically in the hospitals, mainly without any informed consent. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

enlightenment revolution Essay - 709 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Reasoning Revolution nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The age of enlightenment took place in the 18th century and was thought by many of the period to be long overdue. Spurred by writers wishing to â€Å"awaken† the public from their stupor, it was an age of change. Enlightenment writers tackled subjects from inconsistencies in religion to the oppression of women in society. Utilized during the time were many aspects of writing. Inducing a feeling of fear or guilt within a reader and the use of satire was often combined to leave an impression on a reader. Most†¦show more content†¦Education was the foothold of this argument. She stated that without properly educated women they couldn’t be morally sound. Since women are responsible for instilling morals into our youth they would be raising continuous generations stuck withing the ignorance of the preceding age. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Many enlightenment thinkers were strongly opposed to traditional religious institutions and ideas. Yet only a few went so far as to profess atheism.2† The majority of the philosophes believed in a god and creation but didn’t personify its existence to the same extent of Christianity. They supported the belief that God set the gears in motion then stepped back and will not interfere. It was also stated by Thomas Paine â€Å"I hope for happiness beyond this life.2† This statement leads me to believe that the philosophes believed in a heaven. They also felt that religion at the time was a means to control the population and that monarchs and religious leaders were unjustly exploiting their power. They brought about a truly revolutionary thought in that your mind is your church. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One of the most famous early enlightenment writers was Voltaire. The most well known of his works was a satire entitled Candide. This novel had a strong effect on the writers to come as well as the commonfolk. In fact it had such a profound effect on the people it led to Voltaire’s being exiled.Show MoreRelatedThe Enlightenment And The American Revolution2027 Words   |  9 PagesThe Enlightenment and the American Revolution Everyone knows the story of how America came to be. It was similar to David versus Goliath, the American colonists against the potent England. England at the time of the Revolution, boasted the largest and most powerful fighting force in the history of the world. The Americans were rebellious country-cousins who wanted freedom from what they regarded as a capricious and tyrannical paternal England so they could govern themselves. 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It encouraged independent thought, the capacity to ask questions, and a progressive attitude. Additionally, the enlightenment arose during a time when there was absolute monarchy and an extremely powerfulRead MoreThe Scientific Revolution And The Enlightenment1528 Words   |  7 Pagesplace known as the Enlightenment. During this movement enlightenment thinkers, or philosophers, argued that they must focus on the use of reason and secularism to better themselves and understand the universe. As the sciences became more popul ar, skepticism about religious grew. A significant root of the Enlightenment was the Scientific Revolution (1500-1700) which pressed the use of reasoning, inquiry, and scientific method in order to arrive that the truth. The scientific revolution was an attemptRead MoreThe Age Of Enlightenment And The Scientific Revolution1675 Words   |  7 Pagesworld evolved giving rise to the establishment of new social norms and scientific advances. Although the industrial revolution and the scientific revolution represented a giant leap forward in human development, the Age of Enlightenment delivered the greatest influence for the future American society and planted the way for cultural and humanistic enrichment. The Age of the Enlightenment raised new concepts in education, democracy, and human freedom. The new humanistic philosophy promoted the polishRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Enlightenment1471 Words   |  6 Pageshands of the people. Through bloodshed, the radical actions of the French Revolution sparked by philosophies of Enlightenment, will impact the future. Historical figures such as Robespierre heading the Great Assembly will drive change in culture through the revolution, in hopes of ac hieving enlightened societies. The 18th century marks the beginning of modern history. 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It is also known as civilization time where traditional authority was put to the question while embracing the notion of humanity to improve human change. The French revolution was directly in motivation by Enlightenment ideals which marked a peak of its influence and a beginning of its fall. The Enlightenment s imperative of the seventeenth-century forerunners incorporated the Englishmen Francis BaconRead MoreEssay on The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment1731 Words   |  7 PagesThe Scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries changed the way that people views the world. Scientific philosophers such as Galileo and Descartes threw out the old teachings of the church and challenged them with new ways of thinkin g. These men sought to prove that rational thought could prove the existence of God. They also challenged that it was an understanding of a series of rational thoughts, not faith, would bring understanding of how the world worked. Traditional ways of thinkingRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Age Of Enlightenment854 Words   |  4 PagesBorn of two fathers, the American Revolution and the age of enlightenment, the French revolution was primarily a social upheaval that conspired to overthrow religious and privileged classes. The French Revolution changed the degree to which the people were willing to suffer and sacrifice in order to achieve their war aims through democratizing the Army and creating the necessity of larger political alliances than ever before. Guibert wrote in his Essai: Imagine that there arose in Europe a people

Competitive Marketing Activities and Strategy Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Marketing for Activities and Strategy Analysis. Answer: Introduction In the current competitive market, it is important for any company to keep a regular watch on the marketing activities of its rivals. Considering the marketing activities of the competitors is necessary to build a highly competitive strategy that will help the organisation to seek competitive advantage in the market (Rosenbloom, 2016). There are four primary elements of the marketing mix that plays an essential role in policy planning of an organisation. The four elements are known as products, price, place and promotion (Otubanjo, 2013). Every organisation focuses on one or more elements of the marketing mix to make it better than the rivals. The paper has been developed to conduct an analysis of the marketing strategy of two primary rival companies that rules the techno gadget world. The study has been developed to understand the importance of considering the marketing strategy of the competitors to seek success and growth in the market. In order to observe the importance of marketing strategy, the examples of two companies have been presented namely Apple Inc and Samsung Corporation. Along with that, the marketing strategies of both the companies have been presented to understand their competitive moves. Furthermore, the paper discusses the most important elements of the marketing mix that are chosen by both of these companies to stay ahead of each other. Marketing Strategy Analysis The marketing strategy analysis of the two international hi-tech companies such as Apple Inc and Samsung Corporation can evaluate the specific insights of the organisations to achieve brand affinity at the global business platform. Through the identification of current marketing plan of both Apple Inc and Samsung Corporation, a full coverage of existing business status of the consumer electronics product manufacturers can be highlighted on the basis of global market performance (Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2009). Being direct market competitors in the global consumer electronics manufacturing industry, massive marketing battles have been seen between the brands. The marketing showdown of Samsung Corporation has included significant advertising blitz to match the culture, tradition and contemporary market trends (Constantinides, 2016). The marketing content strategy of Samsung includes celebrity-partnered movements, social media advertisements and in-store promotional activities to r each to the new set of buyers in the target market. On the other hand, Apple Inc has invested significant money in the Research and Development (RD) section rather than putting the investment on conventional advertising of latest products (Ferrara and LaMeau, 2012). Moreover, by contemporary marketing standards, Apple Inc has a scrawny content marketing strategy as the organisation does not promote social media marketing through Facebook or Twitter. In the last couple of years, Samsung has spent over $770 million in order to marketing and advertising purpose (Walgrove, 2015). By utilising digital media marketing, social media marketing, Super Bowl advertisements and unique promotional concerts of Samsung have significantly contributed to the actual sales. Meanwhile, in order to close the branding gap to some extent, Apple Inc has started to put more capital in marketing and advertising so that the marketing blitz can create sufficient impact on sales figure (Smith, 2014). Apple Vs Samsung Marketing Strategy Apple and Samsung are two primary competitors in the mobile phone market. Both of these companies focus on different elements of marketing mix to seek competitive advantage in the market. If market shares are considered, it can be seen that Apple owns a better market share than Samsung in the Australian and the US market because its innovative products and good reputation (Otubanjo, 2013). When considering the global market, Samsung is believed to be the market leader with its lower pricing and innovative products. The marketing strategies of both the companies are presented herein below. Samsungs Marketing Strategy Product Samsung has a good product range that work over the Android Platform differentiating it from Apple. Along with that, the company has a RD team that keeps on introducing new innovative products that are in high demand in the market (Kreutzer, 2008). Price In terms of pricing, Samsung implements a competitive pricing policy that helps it to seek competitive advantage in the market. Samsung products are much cheaper than Apple iPhone in regards to the innovative technology offered by them (Maghnati, Ling and Nasermoadeli, 2012). Hence, Samsung has a competitive advantage through its low pricing policy. Promotion Samsung employs marketing experts from all across the globe capable of carrying on traditional advertising and innovative PR stunts. Currently, the company has introduced a marketing budget of $14 billion which is more than the combined marketing budget of Apple, Microsoft, Sony and others (Dignan, 2014). Hence, it can be seen that Samsung focuses on promotional activities to seek competitive advantage. Place The Samsung products are easily available through a diverged channel of distribution. It has its service centres all across the globe located in almost every region of the world. Along with that, the integrated promotion techniques of the company help the customers to get all sort of information about the services and products of Samsung (Crook, 2012). Apples Marketing Strategy Product The expanding nature of the organisation can be seen on the product line as well. As the manufactured products define the business output of the tech giant, Apple has come out with innovation, elegance designs, hi-tech gadgets such as iPad, iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, iPod, Apple TV, and iOS software to prove the rarity and product uniqueness. The diversification of product range has significantly contributed to the intensive growth strategy of the organisation (Dominici, 2009). Through collaboration with other organisations such as Tesla Motors, Apple has aimed to introduce Apple Car in the upcoming future. Price In the contemporary business standards, Apple Inc has competently utilised a premium pricing strategy to represent the efficiency and hi-tech value of the Apple manufactured devices. Through the identification of the premium set of buyers for the Apple products, the organisation has selected the concept of premium pricing strategy quoting relatively high product pricing (Kolberg, 2015). The premium pricing strategy has established a high-end brand image of the organisation so that the loyal customers belong to the upper class, and upper-middle class can be targeted to entail the highest profitability. Promotion In Apples case, the promotional marketing mix includes four specific identified elements such as product advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotions. The organisation has promoted advertisements through official website and retail Apple stores. Through personal selling, the Apple employees have sold latest products to the customers in a convincing way (Walgrove, 2015). Moreover, in order to enhance the corporate image of the organisation, public relations have been promoted through events such as press releases, exclusive interviews and product demonstrations. Place In product distribution, Apple Inc has utilised a holistic approach to taking the advantage of latest available distribution channels. However, the concept of selective distribution strategy of Apple has limited the marketing reach. The exclusivity of the distribution channel includes Apple Retail Stores, Authorised retailers, online stores and major telecommunication services (Boulding and Lee, 2012). Through the Apple Stores and online channels, the organisation has sold products to the customers. Apart from that, the authorised retailers such as Best Buy, Walmart, ad Target have played a crucial role in product selling. Invariably, telecom services such as ATT, and Sprint have been included in the distribution channel to sell products. Discussion Under the current market scenario, Samsung Corporations expensive marketing ideas have taken the advantages as far as product marketing is concerned. In marketing mix, Samsung has considered pricing and promotion to be the most essential elements. Hence, the organisation has offered hi-tech, elegant devices at an affordable price range. Apart from that, the investment of $770 million in the past couple of years for product marketing is an evidence of Samsungs marketing game plan. On the other hand, Apple Inc has out the investment for RD purpose. In marketing mix, the organisation has chosen exclusive distribution channels and promotional ways to expand the market. Meanwhile, the organisation must consider pricing and product diversification in the recent competitive market. However, the latest patent violation issue of Samsung has given a marketing edge to Apple. Currently, Samsung has got 41.7% of the global market share whereas Apple Inc has captured 28.6% of the total market share. In the US, Apple is leading by the same margin. In Australia, Apple Inc has got almost 49% of market share in compared to Samsungs 31%. Understandably, innovativeness, design and technological efficiency have been the major product selling factors of Apple manufactured device. Also, the brand identity and Apple savvy customers have been the primary strengths of Apples business. Still, following the current marketing trend in the global arena, Apple Inc must consider changes to its existing marketing mix to match Samsungs competitive marketing approach (Peter and Donnelly, 2013). Conclusion The above analysis shows that Samsung and Apple have always tried to implement a better marketing strategy in order to seek competitive advantage over each other. Failure of proper monitoring of marketing strategy of the competitors may lead to fall in the market share and impact the revenue of the company. Hence, it can be seen that a company cannot survive and seek market growth without proper monitoring of the marketing strategy of the rivals. There is a need to keep regular watch on the marketing activities to make necessary changes in the marketing strategy that helps the organisation to achieve growth, profitability, better market share, brand awareness and brand loyalty. References Boulding, W. and Lee, E. (2012). Differentiation via the marketing mix.Marketing Letters, 3(4), pp.343-356. Constantinides, E. (2016). The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing.Journal of Marketing Management, 22(3-4), pp.407-438. Crook, J. (2012).Apple And Samsung Bring Their Marketing Strategies To Court | TechCrunch. [online] Available at: [Accessed Aug. 2016]. Dignan, L. (2014).Samsung's marketing blitz vs. Apple: Effective, but big data would help | ZDNet. [online] ZDNet. Available at: [Accessed Aug. 2016]. Dominici, G. (2009). From Marketing Mix to e-Marketing Mix: a literature overview and classification.IJBM, 4(9). Ferrara, M. and LaMeau, M. (2012).Innovation masters. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning. Kerin, R., Hartley, S. and Rudelius, W. (2009).Marketing. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kolberg, W. (2015). Marketing Mix Theory: Integrating Price and Non-Price Marketing Strategies.SSRN Electronic Journal. Kreutzer, R. (2008). Marketingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Mix Standardisation: An Integrated Approach in Global Marketing.European Journal of Marketing, 22(10), pp.19-30. Maghnati, F., Ling, K. and Nasermoadeli, A. (2012). Exploring the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value in the Smartphone Industry.IBR, 5(11). Otubanjo, O. (2013). The Extended Corporate Identity Mix.IJMS, 5(1). Peter, J. and Donnelly, J. (2013).Marketing management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Rosenbloom, B. (2016). The Trade Area Mix and Retailing Mix: A Retail Strategy Matrix.Journal of Marketing, 40(4), p.58. Smith, J. (2014).Samsung vs. Apple: Insights for Achieving Brand Affinity. [online] Available at: [Accessed Aug. 2016]. Walgrove, A. (2015).Content Marketing Showdown: Apple vs. Samsung. [online] The Content Strategist. Available at: [Accessed Aug. 2016].